2008년 4월 13일 일요일

TFY Chapter 6. Summary and Mindmap

Chapter 6 Opinions: what’s believed?

Opinions are one of the few things that are based clearly on an individual personal ideas and thoughts. It’s what makes us different from one another. If everybody had the same opinions perhaps we would live in a much more peaceful world, but it would be so boring everybody would view everything in the same way not much would have been accomplished. Opinions can be formed in so many different ways and for different reasons. One way can be based on taste for example some people may like the way something taste while others may despise. Another example would be more of an educated opinion such as individual who studies a certain scientific procedure may come up with a theory of what going to happen or why it happen, which will most likely be different that what another scientist may think.

Thinking for Yourself Chapter 6 Quiz Page 190.
1. TURE Expert opinion calculates the risk involved in spacing the gap between the known and the unknown for a particular situation.
2. FALSE Giving advice is not a way of offering an opinion.
3. FALSE The result of public opinion polls are equivalent to votes in elections.

4. TURE Opinions in the forms of judgments state what is right and wrong, bed and good.

5. TURE Some opinion are based on generalizations, such as stereotype, as in the statement " All Chinese look alike."

6. FALSE Responsible opinions are based on a careful examination of the evidence.

7. FALSE Opinion is the same as facts.

8. TURE Gossip is opinion sharing without any requirement for substantiation.

9. FALSE Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion because all opinion carry equal value. 

10. TURE Prevailing sentiment refers to popular opinion that changes with the times.

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