2008년 4월 13일 일요일

CRCB Ch6. Summary and Mindmap

Chapter 6.

It is very important to locate the main idea and the major supporting details in a reading assignment are the foundation of college reading. The authors use details to help reads understand the supporting details. As privacy stated, major supporting details provide support for the main idea of a reading. They are commonly presented in the form of examples illustrations, explanations, definitions, facts of opinions. They typically answer who, what, when, how, and why? Minor supporting details are intended to clarify and enhance the major supporting details and are not usually considered as important. However some of them are significant and useful. It is important to prioritize details.
Once you identify the main ideas of on your reading material, you can divide the rest of the material into two categories major and main supporting details. If you are able to distinguish between the major and main supporting details, in your reading materials, it means you have understood what you have reading.

Your question: How is it that the pain from a beating does not come until about eight or ten seconds after the stroke?
Major supporting detail: The stroke itself is merely a loud crack and a sort of blunt thud against your backside, numbing you completely.

Your question: Why is a tattoo a bad thing in the white-collar world?
Major supporting detail: You cannot earn power.

Your question: Why didn’t she approve of him?
Major supporting details: A. Fell asleep at desk
B. Sniffled all the time

Your question: How does the visitor’s hand feel?
Major supporting detail: It was cool and quite oily and seemed human to me.

Your question: What advantages does the pointed arch offer?
Major supporting detail:
A. Because the sides arc up to a point, weight is channeled down to the ground at a steeper angle, and therefore the arch can be taller.
B. The vault constructed from such an arch also can be much taller than a barrel vault.

Your question: How does the Bacillus subtitles bacterium reproduce?
Major supporting details:
It splits every twenty minutes.

Exercise 6b)

Identifying Minor Supporting Details

1. -Main Idea:
I watched feng shui students in amazement as they completely abandoned their own sense of aesthetics and design in favor of the Eastern motifs expressed so frequently in Yu Lin’s seminars

-Major supporting details:

(2) During consultations in New York or London, I came across a number of cases in which ‘cures’ employed to correct design imbalances directly conflicted with the culture and surroundings of the modern furniture;
(3) No wonder people were confused, and put off, by what was available on feng shui in print.

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