2008년 3월 23일 일요일

TFY Chapter3 Summary and Mindmap

Chapter3. Facts

In critical thinking we must evaluate all parts of a situation before coming to a final conclusion. We must observe all that surrounds our argument otherwise how can one come to a educate conclusion.
You must not only look for facts that are present but also facts that are not there, narrowing down what it truth from foe. When taking observation you must know the difference between a reliable observation and an unreliable observation. It is also important while collecting all this data to not allow it to sway your judgment because it is an ongoing process, keep an open mind until you have the full picture in front of you.

Thinking for Yourself Chapter 3Quiz Page 75
Know: be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about; know how to do or perform something.

Certain: certain(a): definite but not specified or identified; 
certain(p): having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; 
certain(p): established beyond doubt or question; definitely known.
Verified: corroborated: supported or established by evidence or proof.

Existence: being: the state or fact of existing; is an ontological topic par excellence.

Real: being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory.

Fact: a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred.

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