I'm pleased to introduce myself through blog. Having this experience is really an exciting thing to me since this is my first time ever to have my own blog. I'd like to thank Dr. Schoemaker and her 'Critical Thinking' class which enabled me to have this kind of exciting opportunity and experience.
I was born and grown up in Korea, and used to work at a business consulting firm after graduation from college and graduate school in Korea with majoring in Business Administration (B.A.) and Management Engineering (M.S.). In my university days and earlier career days I used to have thought that I would like to have further opportunity to study in foreign country in the future. Now it came true by having opportunity to study at Lincoln University, and I'm very much enjoying to study with various student from many different cultures.
I wish our study at Lincoln gives a good opportunity to all of us for getting to know each other as well as building our new talents and skills.
Won Joon
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