2008년 3월 23일 일요일

CRCB Chapter 3 Summary and Mindmap



In Memory, our brain works as storage information so that you can recall information. Sensory memory is the storage of information which requires 5 senses in order for the brain to work. Through observation messages are being transmitted to the brain which able to start recall the events or happening within our surroundings. Short term memory.
This means that our brain can only recall for a short period of time. Our brain has the capacity to recall not all information in the brain. Chunking is useful in short term memory because it shows the technique or keywords to be able to understand very well so that our brain can recall information. Long term memory - This means that our brain has the huge capacity to recall information for a long period of time. Rote learning - is reducing or repeating word by word that has written in the books, journal, and other periodical without comprehending. Matrix - helps you recall information by understanding the data.

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